Mom Life

Diary of a SAHM – Day 3

Going into Day 3 of my SAHM experience and I think my son is on a hunger strike. He doesn’t seem to like anything except grapes and oranges. Maybe he’s gone fruitarian? I tried to bribe him with cheese puffs just to get something else in him and he crushed them in his baby hands like a tiny Hulk and threw them at the dogs.

Other than that, our day went well. I’m supposed to be reviewing this magic Sleepy Baby lightbulb but can’t find a lamp to use for it, so am failing miserably so far. It is supposed to help them go to sleep or go back to sleep if they wake up in the middle of the night. As with most moms, I’m willing to try anything that encourages sleep.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving with the family. Doing something a little different this year and going to my mom’s for the first time since we’ve been married. A visit with mom is usually blog posting gold, lol. If I don’t post anything more between now and turkey day, hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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