Mom Life

Mommy Has a Potty Mouth

Potty Mouth

Yesterday while driving a car cut me off and I yelled “Shit!”
Immediately from the backseat I hear “Shit! Shit! Mommy Shit!” Shouted with great enthusiasm.
Silently, I think: Shit. Shit. Shit.

Now I’m perplexed. What AM I supposed to yell if “shit” is off the table, along with all its other 4 letter cousins? So I started try to come up with new things I could curse with.

Sugar! Shitzu! Shizoozle! Snootchie Bootchies!

None of these seem quite as satisfying. I have no idea how I’m going to retrain myself. It’s just an automatic thing. But I’m going to have to put the effort in.

Especially after somebody ran a 4-way-stop today and right on cue I hear an echo from the backseat going “Hey Jackass!”


So, what creative curse words have you been yelling out?

25 replies »

  1. Haha my toddler did the same thing on Friday. First time, too. Uh oh.

    I never cared if my children cursed. But they didn’t. I sure do.
    Now, at 18 and 20, only one curses around me, and it’s rare. So I guess it’s fine?? I’m going with fine. 🙃

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  2. Haha! Made me smile! My 2yo shouts, ahem, fucking arsehole from her seat….to be fair, this is my mother’s road rage not mine. I say sponge?! I don’t know why, must be my poor attempt not to say the C word – shamefully, my favourite. I still add fucking before the sponge though, so really my 2yo has it right 😆

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  3. Shit is my go-to swear word too but now that my daughter is repeating everything I’m trying out shirt instead… unfortunately ‘holy shirt!’ just doesn’t give me the same satisfaction but it will have to do for now!

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  4. Made me laugh hehe. My husband and I have to start controlling our loud pitched tones and my husband has to control his swearing while playing video games. Baby is due in a month, Lord willing and we are trying our best hehe. Sometimes we say “oh we’ll manage overtime” trying to ignore the fact how quickly they grow and learn lol. On the other hand, waiting for 7 years and developing these habits overtime has really got us to be stuck on them. Oops!

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  5. I usually say the first half of cuss words and drop off with a grunt. “Hey, you mother! Get out of the god way!”

    I slipped up around Little Man *a lot* but he mostly knew that they were adult words and not to say them. (Except for the time he stepped in mud and yelled out “damn it!” in front of two preachers when he was 5.) Baby Girl, on the other hand, I have no doubt that she’ll repeat anything she thinks should be off the table.

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  6. ROTFL!!! My downfall as well! It’s more resolving when you can say a resounding “F&#$ YOU” instead of “Forget You” when someone cuts you off while driving! Just have to do my best to make sure my minions aren’t with me in the process. LOL!

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