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Week in Review: Allergies Suck, Family Foodie Fair, Storytime and Dress-Up Wholesale

This past week I discovered the hell that is seasonal pollen allergies, got back in the library for storytime, attended the Jax Moms Blog Family Foodie Fair and we played dress-up thanks to DressUpWholesale.com

Week in Review: February 18 – 24

News Flash: I have a pollen allergy. I spent a miserable few days thinking I was sick with a cold. I even blogged about how Mom Sick is a special kind of misery, and then I realized it didn’t seem like a normal cold. No coughing or chest congestion, just watery eyes, itchy nose and throat, sneezing my head off and my nose was so congested my face hurt. Even my teeth hurt. Did I mention I live in a forest? A beautiful forest of huge Live Oaks and many many other very pretty trees that apparently all have it in for me.


After a desperate post on Facebook to see what works best for people who have been dealing with this longer than me, I went with a combo of Allegra and Flonase that worked wonders. Flonase was the one thing mentioned over and over again, and it seems the best thing to do is start on that as soon as you feel the allergies coming on. I’m back to almost normal with a few sniffles here and there. Thank you Dr. Facebook.

Storytime at the Library – We ventured out to the library on Friday for their storytime program, followed by art and crafts. The theme for the day was “cats” so they read a few books and sang songs related to the theme. Afterwards the kids get to choose from a few different activities. We spent some time at the play area and even checked out a few books. I picked up a novel in the kids section called The Firefly Code and it’s actually pretty good so far! I admit I was drawn in by the cover, but it had me interested in the first few pages.

Family Foodie Fair – On Sunday we attended the Jax Moms Blog Family Foodie Fair at Engine 15 and got to try yummy meals where they paired together adult and children’s food. Our vote went to the Bearded Pig for their awesome pork belly over cheese grits and pulled pork over mac and cheese. Keelan mostly just ate the amazing donuts from Good Dough and  spent some time playing on the cool pirate ship playground. The rain held out until the very end, then came in strong and sent everyone scurrying for cover. We managed to save a few of the donuts that were being soaked by the rain. Priorities, you know.

Upcoming Giveaway – this week’s Hump Day Giveaway will be a free bottle of Axon CBD Oil for Migraines. That will start Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 7AM. Be sure to check the Giveaways section for active giveaways right now! Grandma’s Secret Spot Remover ends tonight at midnight and there’s still another week to go on the Family Game Prize Pack from Goliath Games.

And now for this week’s Product Sponsor: DressUpWholesale.com

DressUpWholesale.com carries a wide variety of dress-up items like tutus, wings, ribbons, hair accessories and feather boas, all at extremely low prices. Most things are under $2! It’s a great place to get items in bulk for parties or events, or just to stock your own dress-up box.


When the box arrived with items from DressupWholesale, my son insisted there must be toys in there for him. He was super excited when we opened the box and it was filled with fun dress-up items. He’s three and he doesn’t give one care at all whether things are “for girls” or “for boys” he just cares if they are “for fun.” He immediately had to put on ALL the items on the box.

First he gave the butterfly wings a test run:

Next up he went for the full ensemble: tutu, gloves, ribbon tiara, feather boa and wand. He then stood on the firepit, screamed “I’m a pretty princess!” and then proceeded to run around as fast as possible while waving his ribbon wand. He made it very tough to get a picture since he was just a blur of ribbons and feathers.

He was thrilled with everything and the quality was nice enough to withstand a rambunctious three-year-old boy! He even got up the next morning and immediately told me he wanted to put his dress-up stuff on again. So this assortment is now an official part of our dress-up gear. I’m sure someday soon he will start being more picky about boy things, but right now he can be Spider-man one day and a pretty princess the next, and that’s OK with me.

If you’d like to stock up your own dress-up box, be sure to visit DressUpWholesale.com for all your dress-up and party needs for your own pretty little princess (or prince).


That’s it for last week! This week my big plans are to finish my taxes and then on Saturday we are going to the Monster Jam! I’ve never been to one and am pretty excited to take Keelan. I think he’s going to be so excited when he sees those giant trucks his little head may explode. In a good way, of course, lol. 

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