Geek of the Week

Geek of the Week: Bethany from New Age Dream Chick

Here are at GeekMamas, we’re a little more skewed to the superhero/comics/sci-fi genres of geekdom, but all are welcome! So, this week’s featured geek Bethany is expanding our reach into the realm of LARPing and RPG fans.

mommy blogger photo

Introduce yourself:

I’m Bethany Boggs, I am part mommy blogger and part freelance content writer/blogger, add in a dash of aspiring fantasy author and finish it off with a sprinkle of “freelance” astrologer and tarot reader. I hope to have my first work published in 2019. I run two sites- and DIYmommy18 with my two girls and I live on coffee and tight deadlines.

What do you geek out on?

I am less of a comic “geek” (not too much into comics, to be honest- but I love the movies). I love LARP (even though I haven’t been in years due to work schedule), RPGs like DnD and games like Magic the Gathering. I actually have a card game based on a story I’m writing that is to the Beta test stage. (but the book is still a work in progress) I love watching Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies, haven’t had the chance to read the books yet and I love pretty much all things fantasy movie-wise, a lot of fantasy novels and I would love to try cosplay.

Marvel or DC? and Why?

I am a HUGE X-Men and Blade fan (I like all things related to both series) so I’m a Marvel person.

Star Wars or Star Trek? and Why?

Star Trek. I have sat down and watched the full six Star Wars movies (can’t get into the new ones but I do like the older ones) but Star Trek reminds me of my grandma. I used to watch the show with my grandma and got into the movies at an older age. Outside of those memories, I’m not sure which I prefer. I guess I prefer the storyline to Star Wars.

Were you a geeky kid or did you come into it later in life?

I mainly came into it in college. I was introduced to Magic the Gathering and Amtgard by friends in school. I was into video games from elementary school and liked a lot of movies like Blade, X Men, the old Batman cartoons and a lot of the other stuff like that as a child (I do own a few comics I bought in college). I was a huge reader from Elementary school on up and used to read a lot of comics as well as fantasy and nearly any fiction.

Are your kids into the geek stuff too?

If by “geek stuff” you mean Pokémon, yes they are. My husband is also getting them into a lot of comic movies.

Are you working on anything right now you’d like to share?

I have three short stories written in a series that I’m working on finishing and when I’m done with those, I’m going to self-publish. I’m also working on moving my Etsy shop to my website and I’ll be offering those same services and products on my own site. The shop is technically open, but the true grand opening will be in 2019 and I’ll be publishing a dream analysis journal soon with tips for dream interpretation and lots of space to write the dreams out. I’m hoping to have that ready to release in January.

Thank you Bethany for answering my seven geeky questions and good luck with the Grand Opening and book projects in 2019!


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