Editor's Picks

Week in Review: A Brazilian Blowout, Cher Live, Renovation Progress and Utama Spice

This week I got to try out a Brazilian Blowout, went to see Cher, we finally made some progress on our backyard deck project and Utama Spice sent me an aromatherapy diffuser to enhance the atmosphere of my workspace.

Week in Review: January 20 – 27

I got a Brazilian Blowout

I previously posted about how pregnancy completely changed my hair texture into some kind of unmanageable curly/wavy/frizzy mop, so I was pretty excited to learn about the Brazilian Blowout technique, which is supposed to tame frizzy wavy hair like mine. It is not supposed to make hair pin-straight, just cut frizz and tame down the curls a bit to make it easy to dry and style. They say it cuts drying time in half.

It’s quite the process! I’ll be writing a full blog post about the whole thing after I’ve had some time to test out how it does afterwards and how it holds up. Of course it looked great right afterwards! So the true test for me will be how it looks when it dries naturally and how well it holds up. I had it done at the LulaMae salon by Georjie Odom.

Cher Live!

We saw Cher on her Here We Go Again Tour at the Veterans Memorial Arena on Wednesday. At 72 she still looks amazing and puts on a great show. I was a little surprised she sang so many cover songs though! I found out later she had put out an entire album of Abba covers. It was pretty cool the way the stage and the costumes changed every few songs. She did a great intro monologue about how much she loved what she was doing, and about dressing up and still getting out there on stage at her age. She ended it with “What’s YOUR grammy doing tonight?,” and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause.

A Little Backyard Progress

After having french doors that just opened onto a ledge for over a year, we are finally getting our upper deck built. My husband, a friend and a neighbor are all pitching in to get the renovation done. I’ve been doing my part by looking out the window and supervising. Also taking and photos and saying “Looks good!” Somebody’s got to do that, right? A neighbor left a neat wooden sun piece from a window frame in our trash pile a while back and I saved it to use in the railing. We are staining the railing a dark teak color to match it. And by “we,” I mostly mean my husband, lol.

* Edit– After writing that, I though, Hey…I should get my butt out there and help a little. So here it is- proof I helped stain the deck:


And now for this week’s Sponsor Product – Utama Spice

I used to be very into essential oils and have always kept a few particularly useful ones around, like tea tree and lavender. They smell great, but also have healthy effects like calming anxiety, helping you concentrate.

I’ve been seeing a lot of diffusers around at businesses and kid places and have been wanting to try one for myself, so I was happy to test out this pretty Nebulizing Aromatherapy Diffuser by Utama Spice. The style I got is the Danau Satu, and they sent me the Clearing oil to go with it.


I set it up next to my desk, put a little oil in through the top and switched it on. The diffuser uses only pressurized air to disperse the oil, so there’s no heat or water vapor involved, just pure essential oil.

Sitting down at my desk and switching on the Danau Satu has become part of my writing ritual. My next step is to find a good Inspiration oil!

What’s up next week: I’m finally getting my much needed spa day on Monday!

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