Home & Garden

How to Make Your Apartment Feel Like Home 

I’ve lived in various apartments over the years, and each place I took time to make it seem more “homey.” From plastering the walls with posters in college, to growing a windowsill garden in a tiny studio apartment, each place was home for a little while. Our Guest Geek post today goes over a few ideas of you can make your own apartment feel little more like home.

apartment buildings with porches viewed from outside

4 Ways to Make Your Apartment Feel More Like Home

When people think of the word “home”, they often think of a house. But home can be any place you live, whether it’s a house or an apartment, and many people consider apartments their home.

You may find that it’s harder to make an apartment feel like home, especially if it’s a rental, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to give it that nice homey feel! Read on for some ideas on how to make your apartment feel more like your own place, no matter the size.


Decorating and adding your own touches is a great way to bring a bit of yourself into your apartment. If you aren’t the owner, you’re not always allowed to paint the walls, but if you can, it really helps to personalize your rooms. Often you can do what you want as long as you paint the walls back to their original color when you move out.

Decorating with personal items brings a homey touch, but you can also decorate with unique finds that show your style. Have a look at these apartment accessories to spark some ideas for what you might want to add to your living space.

home decor with red walls

Add a personal touch 

Now that we’ve gotten the importance of decorating your apartment out of the way. . .  It’s time to talk about another type of decoration, which is adding some sentimental and unique items to your apartment. Anything homemade or anything that brings back memories can help your apartment feel like a warm and inviting home. 

Examples of these include knitted blankets that a loved one made for you, as well as photographs of important memories. If you have children, you may want to hang their art on the wall or make chalk milestone boards to create some memories. 

You can also try a service like PhotoWall.com, where you can turn your own photos into beautiful wall art, murals or wallpaper.

Another way to make your apartment feel like a comfortable home is by getting reliable fiber internet Bryant, AR. A stable internet connection will allow you to get the most out of your devices and ensure you can watch all your favorite shows on streaming services. Good internet is essential to get a homely feel.

Create a signature scent

While looks might be first in your mind, smell also plays a big part in personalizing your space. Think of how every time you walk into your grandmother’s house, it has the same smell. Not that you necessarily want it to smell like grandma’s! But it shows how scent plays a large role in memories and feelings.

People often associate their homes with comforting scents like cinnamon or freshly baked cookies. Making your apartment smell nice can truly make it feel more like home. There are various ways to do this, but one of the easiest ones is to light some scented candles or burn incense.

three candles lit on table

Make it a happy place

This may sound cliché, but in the end, what matters most isn’t how big your home is or how it looks – it’s how people feel when they enter it, and more importantly, how your family feels about it. 

This is why people often say that home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling. Creating a loving environment in your home is more important than any of the materialistic or aesthetic aspects.

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