Mom Blog

The First Day of Summer Vacation aka Mom I’m Bored

I’m up super early this morning, because for the next few months my work productivity level will probably plummet. Why? Because today is the first official day of summer vacation.

Not MY vacation. My son’s summer vacation. We have a full week ahead of us filled with, “Mommy, I’m bored.”

This phrase will be uttered many many times throughout the day if my son has to suffer through more than a few minutes of not being entertained. And “I’m bored,” is usually then followed with the request to play with him, even though I literally just stopped playing with him a few moments prior to him being sad and bored.

All my suggestions will be shot down, especially the ones that involve him doing something helpful. Because mom never has time to sit around and get bored.

And as I type this, my little ray of sunshine shuffled by me, bright and early and up all on his own. Much earlier and easier than if it was an actual school day. He gave me 30 seconds before shouting, “Mommy, I need you!” And now I’m off to go see what the emergency is.

OK I’m back. He wanted to some milk. I should have another five minutes of uninterrupted time if I’m lucky.

If I sounds like I’m complaining, yes I am. Mostly to myself, as it’s more constructive for me to type it out as a blog post, rather than sit there mumbling about it to myself. This way I can both get it out of my head, and get a blog post published. Seems like a good method.

Especially since my last post was published a week ago, due to the past week being 1/2 days of school.

I think I overestimated my five minute time frame, as my presence was just requested again.

And this is why I laugh every time I see one of those Facebook posts where moms are all excited for the summer and “all the time they’ll get to spend with their kids.”

It just makes me wonder- why is my experience so different? Why am I able to get nothing done unless I can have a few uninterrupted hours in my day? Do these women have nothing they need to get done? Do their children actually let them do things? Am I doing something wrong? Am I a crummy parent?

And as my son calls out for me again, I go to him because I’m not a crummy parent.

And here’s where I have to wrap things up, because once the son is up, my day revolves around him. Trying to get work done is frustrating and makes me cranky. So I’m off to play.

I’ll be back to getting all the things done next week, when that wonderful thing known as Summer Camp starts!

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12 replies »

  1. I have 2 kids and they’re just like your son, constantly needing something or attention. Summer break doesn’t start until next week, and I just know my days will probably look a lot like yours. I don’t anticipate blogging much, but certainly expect to be slowly driven mad. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The struggle is real! I get this 💯
    I’ve got 4 kids. Two of them are teens. I swear, if they aren’t out with friends, they are bored. They don’t ever want to clean either 🤣
    As for the younger ones, it’s easy. They are both still under 10, so it’s me that makes play dates with their friends over the summer.
    I’ll admit, as much as I like sleeping in, I miss having them at school. I miss the silence.

    Liked by 2 people

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