Mom Life

What a brat! Wait… You mean they’re all like that?

screaming-toddler-saluteWhat a brat. Yep, I thought that many times while looking at your kid screaming for apparently no reason in public. Most likely while I stood there, comparing prices and calmly reading labels because nobody was screaming for me while trying to climb my body like a monkey. This was, of course, before I had a baby and found out there is absolutely no way to avoid an occasional public meltdown besides never ever leaving the house again.

So I ventured out. And there were tantrums, and there were the looks. I know those looks! But the moms know. And the dads too. You can see in their eyes they feel your pain. You can also see a hint of “I’m just glad it’s not me this time,” and that’s OK because we’ve all been there too.

So, tantrum toddler moms, I salute you! You are out there just trying to keep it together while your kid has a nuclear meltdown. Ignore the stares from the ignorant. They know nothing! But, if they are lucky, they will learn one day. And one day, when they have a rare quiet moment, they’ll think back to all those judgey looks and then write a blog where they apologize for everything. Or maybe that’s just me.

9 replies »

  1. I thought parenting was pretty easy with my first one — he was generally well behaved, rarely had tantrums, ate his veggies. “I’ve got this.” And then I had a second one. She is the opposite. Not so easy anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh absolutely… Same here! There are so many pre-kid things I swore I’d never do (having a sometimes-brat kid is def one of them..)… Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

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