Mom Life

A Toddler’s First Movie, and It Was Totally Incredible

I was super excited to take K to see The Incredibles 2 this week! I feel I am so out of the loop on movies, so being able to take him to a theater is really taking it up a notch on our possible family friendly activity list. We weren’t entirely sure how it would go (are you ever really?) so we mentally prepared ourselves for seeing half a movie and ended up being happily surprised!

I am happy to say he did great! And the glass of wine I had made things even better. That’s right, I relaxed with a glass of wine, in the early afternoon. Yay for me! It’s been so long since I enjoyed going out to the movies that I’m still giddy over the fact I can buy booze while stuffing myself with popcorn.

We are a little out of practice and were mostly winging it, so a simple movie afternoon may have reached around the $60 mark after tickets, food, drinks and treats, but we didn’t care, we were out a movie in the afternoon! And I quite honestly can’t tell you last time I did that.

If you do try to take your toddler to a movie, you may want to arrive a good 20 minutes after start time. We had just over 30 minutes worth of previews! Our 1:00 movie start at 1:37 😳.

So by the time the movie actually started, he was already getting squirmy. We visited the potty a few times, and I let him run up and down the side ramp for a bit while I stood off to the side and watched the movie. Then when we got back to the seats he just wanted to sit in my lap for the rest the movie, which I was OK with because it was some pretty sweet snuggle time.

But we made it through the whole movie and now I feel like a whole new level of fun just opened up. I’m already planning to go see Hotel Transylvania 3 next!

Have you taken your little one to the movies yet? How’d it go? What did you see?

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