Mom Blog

Hurricane Idalia is Coming and It’s Windy

While the west coast of Florida is getting battered by Hurricane Idalia, over here on the east coast we are just seeing a lot of wind and rain so far. It looks like it’s supposed to get windier and rainier as the day progresses. That’s the big hurricane report from here in Atlantic Beach, FL.

But you never know with these hurricanes, as there was that one a few years ago that followed a similar path and went through the state, but then boomeranged back to hit us here in Jacksonville. So of course, I placed an Instacart order for some necessities. I didn’t want to try and navigate the last-minute rush at the grocery store.

My son is out of school for three days, so he had a friend sleep over, and when his friend saw my grocery bags he asked, “Oh did you stock up on snacks for the hurricane, so you don’t die?” I told him, yeah, something like that, lol.

I did rearrange the garage so I could fit my car inside and move some of the lightweight stuff out of the yard, but that was the extent of my hurricane prep for this one. Now I guess it’s just time to sit and eat all my hurricane snacks and hope no trees come down on the house again.

I’m sitting at my desk watching the gusts of wind from my desk and it’s looking rough enough to snap branches. I just heard a loud thunk on my roof, so things are already coming down.

Hope everyone is doing OK out there!



We are passed the main part now and the winds are dying down. We never did get much rain. I was pretty disappointed that we had a hurricane and I still had to water my garden! Come on!

We did lose power and Internet for about three hours when a tree limb came down on a power line. Those were the three longest hours ever stuck inside with a kid who badly wanted to play Roblox.

There are tons of tree limbs and sticks everywhere, but the clean-up is already under way and a lot has been removed from the road. I’m waiting until tomorrow to tackle my yard clean up.

I’m currently eating my hurricane snacks and drinking my hurricane beer.

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